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Newsletters, as part of your customer loyalty strategy

Keep your business top of mind so they think of you when they are ready to buy.

  1. Define your newsletter objectives
  2. Segment your database to maximise your newsletter content relevance and value.
  3. Keep the design very simple.

    Consider just sending typed content (a news letter).

    Note that many designs elements are lost in e-mail filters.

  4. How should you send your newsletter?
  5. What sort of content should you publish?

    Keep important content ‘above the fold

    Decide if you are going to employ a copywriter or write your own copy.

  6. Spend time and effort on your subject line.
  7. Make sure the headlines, sub-heads and images grab and hold the audience's attention.
  8. Include a response/enquiry/sales link.
  9. Include a ‘forward to a friend’ button.
  10. How should you sign off?
  11. How often should you send the newsletter?
  12. Monitor the success of your newsletter

Make sure you follow the three mandatories of permission marketing.

Archiving your newsletters will help with search engine optimisation (SEO)

Eight things you mustn’t do when sending out your e-newsletters.

    When implementing a newsletter campaign you need to be aware of the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, as amended by the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2011.