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Boost your referrals by making three simple changes today

Here’s a question. What percentage of your clients would be happy to refer you? Well, in a recent poll on LinkedIn we found that 72% of respondents said that more than 50% of their clients would gladly recommend them to a friend. *

So, with so much positive sentiment, what can you do today to help convert this positive client attitude into new business?

Here are three ideas to start you off:

  1. Actively encourage your clients to personally introduce you

    Many of our brokers admit they don’t ask for referrals enough.

    One of the most common reasons given is because their teams don’t know how to position it.

    Help your teams to actively encourage your clients to make a personal introduction with a simple email template – see Broker Create for a great example of one you can use after renewal.

  2. Don’t be a stranger

    Another positive and cost effective tactic is to plan how you’ll keep top-of-mind with clients between each annual renewal.

  3. Initiate a ‘100 hundred days’ plan for new clients

    Unsurprisingly, a large proportion of referrals happen in the first 30 to 100 days of the client’s relationship with you. This is when you’re most top-of-mind and when they are feeling particularly positive towards you.

So there’s three ideas for you – all potential business builders and all relatively simple to do.

*LinkedIn poll completed by Maria Ketteringham between 11-18 August 2022