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The meaning of different colours

  1. Red

    Dangerous, strong, aggressive, exciting, energetic.

  2. Yellow

    Bright, optimistic, cheerful, intellectual.

  3. Green

    Natural, solid, harmony, balance, hope, stability, peace.(Often the colour of surgeon's and nurse's uniforms)

  4. Blue

    Truth, serenity, loyal, cool, sense of well being, soothing (Often the colour of surgeon's and nurse's uniforms)

  5. Orange

    Stimulating, enegetic, warmth, happiness.

  6. Purple

    Spiritual, truth, justice.

  7. Black

    Elegance, power, individuality, intimidating, sophisticated (The colour of uniforms worn by those wishing to project an image of power and control).

  8. Gray

    Neutral, modest, unobtrusive.

  9. Gold

    Majestic, glory, pride.

  10. White

    Brightness, cleanliness, purity, clarity.

  11. Brown

    Solid, natural, conservative.

  12. Pastels

    Soothing, soft, gentle, sweet, romantic.

See also colour palette - in branding