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Add more action points – generate more sales

Are your contact details easily visible on every page? Everyone contacts people differently (phone, enquiry form, email, live chat, etc). Make sure you have an option for everyone on each page.

How many ‘call to action’ (CTA) links should you have on your home page? If you look at the website of any of the big financial services companies you’ll typically find at least ten. This is because the more opportunities there are for visitors to take action, the more likely they are to do so and therefore the more sales will result.

Don’t’ make it hard for potential customers to get in touch

Most people simply want is to talk to an experienced and helpful person, so always feature an easy to find ‘contact us’ link on your site. Better still, also put your phone number and email address in your banner, or on a sidebar on every page so that visitors don’t need to click away to find it.


After the headline, your CTAs are the most important business-building tools on your website - but however crucial they are to your success, they won’t deliver your sales targets unless all the other important elements of your homepage are in place. Use AIDA on your homepage to do a quick audit:



  • Are there intriguing, eye-catching links for the visitor to click to find out more?


  • Does your homepage promote the depth and breadth of your experience and expertise? People like to buy from experts.
  • How are you using testimonials to reassure visitors and encourage them to contact you?


‘Always Be Closing’ is the ABC mantra of Sales. On your website your CTAs act as your 24 hour sales team, so the more you have working for you the better.