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To get more leads, first grab the attention of more prospects

Getting attention is the most important part of online marketing. You can’t recruit new clients if they aren’t looking in your direction. It’s that simple.

As I’ve got your attention, I’ll show you how to get someone else’s.

  1. Catch their eye with positive Google reviews

    How many do you have? Any less than ten and you should try and make this a priority. Allocating a couple of hours to this will make a big difference to the flow of leads into your business.

    How you’ll benefit:

  2. Write eye-catching and engaging email subject lines

    If you know how to write them, emails become one of your most cost-effective client recruitment tools. Getting prospects to open your mail is the first crucial step.

  3. Video is powerfully engaging

    Whether it’s on your home page, on your email or in social media, video is a wonderful way to engage with your audience. Have a go and see what happens. It’s neither difficult nor expensive.

  4. Weaponise your email signature

    To help win the war against your competition, use your email signature as a conspicuous strategic weapon – in this case to promote referrals.

When potential clients are online their time and focus is limited; they’re highly selective, scanning and screening out anything that seems dull or irrelevant. So once you’ve managed to get their attention, don’t waste it; actively get them to pick up the phone so you can make the sale.